Now in its 33rd year, the Cadillac Challenge is an annual bike ride on beautiful Mount Desert Island, culminating with a 3.3 mile, 6% climb up Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park. The Cadillac Challenge is everything that makes cycling special. The ride is run by volunteers, and a strong sense of community exists between the riders because at its core, this is a RIDE and not a race. There's no chip timing and no results (except on the Strava leaderboards, of course).

The ride was started by Anthony Mourkas and his family, and with him at the helm it quickly grew from a grass-roots outing to something much bigger. Tony and his family have since taken on other challenges, and for the past few years Dean Reed has been the organizational glue holding the ride together. Because of Anthony and Dean the Cadillac Challenge is the amazing ride that it is today.

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